Person responsible for content:

WO&WO Sonnen­licht­de­sign GmbH & Co KG, Hafner­straße 193, 8054 Graz, Stei­er­mark

Business purpose

Manufacture and sale of awnings and blinds

Tel.: +43 316 28070
Fax: +43 316 28078100
Company register number: 299812 a
Registration court: Landesgericht für ZRS Graz
Authority in accordance with ECG: Municipality of Graz 
Chamber: Styrian Economic Chamber, Trade Division
VAT identification number: ATU 63750435
Professional law: Industrial Code: 

General partner: WO&WO Sonnenlichtdesign GmbH, 8054 Graz
Management: Alexander Foki

Duty to furnish information as per ECG


The content of the WOUNDWO website is protected by copyright. All text, images, drawings, illustrations and other content is the property of WO&WO Sonnenlichtdesign GmbH & Co KG.

Without the prior written consent of WO&WO Sonnenlichtdesign GmbH & Co KG, the WOUNDWO website may not be edited, copied, distributed, transmitted or electronically reproduced, in whole or in part, and nor may it be copied to an electronic, magnetic or optical medium. This does not affect your non-exclusive right to make use of the WOUNDWO website yourself and to produce individual print-outs for your own use. You undertake to refrain from all actions which would be likely to enable you or others to copy the website, the format of the layout or the presentation of the individual products. The presentation of the WOUNDWO website within a different frame is expressly prohibited. For reasons of computer technology, the colours shown in the illustrations on the WOUNDWO website may vary from those of the original products.

Legal information:

Our website contains links to external websites of third parties, over the content of which we have no control. We therefore cannot assume any liability for this external content. In all cases, the providers or operators of the respective sites are responsible for the content of linked sites. The linked websites were checked for possible legal infringements at the time of inserting the link. No illegal content was detected at the time of inserting the link.


WO&WO Sonnen­schutz GmbH & Co KG
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